Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am using this cellerciser. Don't be fooled by imitators! Get this one.

LovemeRaw Mary

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Road to 100 #3

This is my latest success video. I have been making these for a little bit and having some great success with them. In fact, I am now doing them for my clients. I am particularly proud of this one as it is infused with the healing power of Ho'oponopono. I believe that my weight loss is tied so closely with my beliefs and so I wanted to get this done and start watching it daily to tap into the power and vibration and feeling that the video gives me. I had a lot of fun making it and as always, it's a very powerful experience to have it working for me. I believe that watching my video is going to propel my journey.

Yesterday I had an amazing colonic. I did lymphatic drainage as well right before the colonic and experienced some big breakthroughs. My colon hydrotherapist Jan started talking to me about my mother and things really began to flow...Jan is awesome. I believe she is in her 70's and this is her daughter's spa. Jan already had a career as a nurse but is just the coolest woman in being so open to new things. I hope I am kicking it like her at that age.

Anyway, it was a great colonic and while I am doing so much juicing, I am going to go every week. I am not technically on a juice feast yet, as I am still eating a few things, mostly at night. I want to break that habit, I had done stopped eating after 4 or 5 in the afternoon, but somehow have slipped from that. I do really well with getting my juices done in the morning and I have a fabulous green juice I am drinking right now, but then nightime seems to be an issue for me, so it's a habit I need to break...maybe exercise will do it...not sure yet.

Tonight mostly I am tired, woke at 5 this morning and its now almost 11, so its time to get to bed. I will do another youtube video tomorrow, and start working on another video, and its park day for Quinn, who loves park day. I don't really particularly like it, but you know, a mom thing, so there you go. Probably will post again on saturday, I want to get more into some real stuff that is going on for me with raw...good stuff, whatever stuff

Later and many blessings

I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, Thank you!

LovemeRaw Mary

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Road to 100 #2

Sunday...a few days in on the road to 100, and I'm doing pretty good, yes indeed I am. Drinking lots of green juices and sometimes smoothies, trying to notice the difference I feel on them. I think both are great tools to use in my journey, the smoothies seems to stir things up a bit more in the digestive track and the juices seem to be pure life force energy.

I just made an amazing juice, let me see if I can recall what I put in it. Coconut water, watermelon, beets, MINT!!!, yumm, cilantro, celery, some romaine, cucumber. I think that was about it. And then I added a little ice and blended in the blender. I like to put the extra in the freezer and get it slushy for the next meal. So so delicious and feels so good in the body.

today, for me I am feeling vibration and weight loss ...vibration is created by beliefs, which are ultimately my thoughts and feelings about something, so the vibration that I carry about food, my body, and weight loss is also connected to worthiness and self esteem and everything else that I have added to, if you will, ...the soup of it all. I have been holding a vibration about weight loss and food and body that is different than what my soul desires....I'm not sure why, nor do I think it matters why. I am pretty sure I have been holding it from as early as I can remember, more than likely since conception/birth. It may have come directly from my mother through the placenta. I was the youngest of 5, and although I don't know for sure if she even had a weight issue back then, my suspicion is that she still had not lost the baby weight from my brother who is 13 months older. So intuitively, I feel she felt fat and that she would NEVER lose weight, and it would always be there. As I said, no concrete evidence of this, just an intuitive feeling I have as I am getting into this vibration.

So I've decided to create a new vibration around my body and weight loss and health. The frequency at which I had been vibrating all of my life is holding on to weight, and a disatisfaction with my body. The new vibration I am creating is a oneness with my body and its perfection along with releasing completely all of the past trauma and raising my vibration to one of pure bliss. A vibration of excess weight flying off of me, quicly and easily. Why quickly? Because that's the vibration I choose. I believe everything begins with thought, and when we hold on to a thought that weight loss has to be slow or difficult or any other parameter we put on it, then we will certainly resonate at that level and create that reality.

You saw my first video in my first post. I don't have the second one ready. I have plenty of other movies I have made, but not one about this. I haven't started on it, but I am going to get it done by either tonight or tomorrow, and post it below. I am going to turn off my comments on the blog here, not because I am not interested in hearing from anyone, but because I want only my own energy about this on this page for now while I am creating this vibration. I will open it up for comments as soon as I feel its a safe time for me to do so.

But I am happy you are here reading and I hope its a small fraction as useful to you as it is to me.

LovemeRaw Mary

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Road to 100

The Road to 100

100. It's a nice number. I like 100 a lot. I love hundred dollar bills...oh my, there is something about having a stack of hundred dollar bills that can't really be described. haven't had a stack of those in awhile! But this 100 is about 100 pounds. The road to losing 100 pounds. Why 100 pounds? No real rhyme or reason, i've had that number in mine for a long time...when I weighed around 265 or 270 (not exactly sure how high I got) that number seemed like not even enough, and it also seemed to be insormountable to even begin to try to start losing.

It's September 11, 2009. I've been raw for almost 4 weeks, and have lost around 20 pounds depending on where I was when I started. It's a bit strange to be so engrossed in numbers at the moment. In fact, when I made my first Road to 100 video this morning, I even said that I didn't want to focus on the numbers of my exact weight, and yet everything I've written so far is...nothing but numbers.

So numbers is where we will go for now. I guess when you are talking about weight, it is all about the numbers. Mostly I have been focused on health, which is how I came to be in the raw life, but this road to 100 is about weight loss and how I do that. I guess if I have lost 20 pounds or even 15 or even 10 in the last month that is pretty good, but it feels super super slow to me.

I believe that I am mentally and spiritually and in a lot of ways holding on to weight. And this road to 100 is to document how I let that go. I recently got into making what I call Spiritual success movies. SSM's are my version of taking images and statements, and making them into a movie that I watch several times a day to bring a desired change into my life. I am in the process of making my Road to 100 movie. I have one I made to get into Raw, and it was super successful, not only for me but my good friend Nicole
We both used the movie I made to supercharge our re-entry into raw life for the 2nd time for both of us.

Anyway, I will be posting those videos once I get more familiar with the blog format here.

Thanks for reading!

LovemeRaw Mary